Annals of Mathematics and Physics Submit Manuscript

    Mathematics and Physics

    Special Issue Title:
    Application of Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance


    Dear Colleagues,
    The increasingly complex conditions regarding the functioning of companies and corporations in unstable external conditions, experiencing new challenges related to humanity, require a shift in the balance between qualitative and quantitative methods of managing their finances towards quantitative methods. The use of the latter improves the quality of financial analytics, allowing the determination of adequate and effective management decisions in area of finance. This Special Issue collects original research related to the application of newly developed mathematical methods in economics: in any field of economics, from microeconomics to macroeconomics. The purpose of this Special Issue is to publish the latest scientific developments in this field, based on the application of mathematical methods, discussing remaining problems and directions for further research. The range of topics of interest includes, but is not limited to, the cost and structure of capital, corporate finance, investment models, portfolio analyses, securities, financial risks, business valuation, taxation and any field of economics, from microeconomics to macroeconomics.
    Prof. Dr. Peter Brusov
    Prof. Dr. Tatiana Filatova
    Guest Editors

    Special Issue Editors

    Dr. Peter Brusov
    Department of Mathematics
    Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation
    Russian Federation

    BRUSOV Petr Nickitovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical science, Professor. Professor of the Financial University  under the Government of the Russian Federation. He was born 23 September 1949.

    Education Peter Brusov graduated two faculties of Rostov-on-Don State University: Physical and Mathematical, got PhD degree in Leningrad  Mathematical Institute named by V.A. Steklov in 1980 and Doctor of Physical and Mathematical science degree in Dubna (JINR) in 1993.

    In area of Physics he has created (together with Victor Popov) the theory of collective properties of superfluids and superconductors, has calculated the whole spectrum of collective excitations in bulk and films of  superfluid He3. Peter Brusov has predicted superfluid phases in He3 films, the nontrivial pairing in high temperature superconductors.

    In area of Finance and Economy Peter Brusov has created (together with Tatiana Filatova and Natali Orekhova) modern theory of capital cost and capital structure - Brusov- Filatova- Orekhova theory    (BFO-theory).

    Employment Experience Peter Brusov has been a Head of the Laboratory  of high temperature superconductors in Rostov-on-Don State University up to 2004, and now is Professor of the Financial University  under the Government of the Russian. Peter Brusov has been visiting Professor of Northwestern University (USA), Cornell University (USA), Osaka City University (Japan), Chung-Cheng  University (Taiwan) and some others.

    Peter Brusov is the author of over 500 research publications, including six monographs, a numerous textbooks and papers. His main interests in area of Finance and Economy is relate to corporate finance, investments, taxation and rating.

    More Info.
    Dr. Tatiana Filatova
    Department of Financial and Investment Management
    Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation
    Russian Federation

    FILATOVA Tatiana, PhD in Finance, Professor. Professor of the Financial University  under the Government of the Russian Federation. She was born 22 October 1948.

    Education Tatiana Filatova graduated from Moscow Financial Institute in 1973, got PhD degree in Finance in Moscow Financial Institute in 1978.

    In area of Finance and Economy Tatiana Filatova has created (together with Prter Brusov and Natali Orekhova) modern theory of capital cost and capital structure - Brusov- Filatova- Orekhova theory (BFO-theory).

    Employment Experience During 20 years (from 1998) Tatiana Filatova has been a Dean of a few Faculties of the Financial University  under the Government of the Russian Federation: Financial Management, Management, State and Municipal Government and some others. Now Tatiana Filatova is Professor of the Financial University  under the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Tatiana Filatova is the author of over 250 research publications, including five monographs, a numerous textbooks and papers. Her main interests in area of Finance and Economy is relate to financial management, corporate finance, investments, taxation and rating.

    More Info.

    Explanatory and predictive analytics for movie production efficiency by online word-of-mouth

    Published On: October 12, 2023 | Pages: 008 - 015

    Author(s): Sangjae Lee* and Joon Yeon Choeh
    It has become increasingly important to consider the efficiency of movies in creating box revenue while using fewer movie resources. Further, there is a lack of eWOM (online-word-of-mouth) studies regarding using the production efficiency of movies as a dependent outcome measure replacing box revenue. This study shows that production efficiency can be suggested by comparing movie resources powers, i.e., powers of actors, directors, distributors, and production companies, which are input for movie production, and the box office. For testing the validity of the measure of production efficiency, this study examines the effect of eWOM attributes, i.e., review depth, volume, rating, review sentiment, and helpfulness on production efficiency. Data envelopment analysis is adopted to produce the efficiency of movies. This study provides insights into a current movie study on eWOM by showing the effect of interaction between eWOM (review rating) and helpfulness on production efficiency. Further, this study purports to test the prediction power in predicting production efficiency using decision trees, neural networks, and logistic regression. These results show that k nearest neighbor and automated neural networks outperform the other machine learning methods in classifying efficient movies. ...
    Abstract View Full Article View DOI: 10.17352/amp.S1.000002

    The modern mathematical models in economics and finance

    Published On: July 07, 2023 | Pages: 001 - 007

    Author(s): Peter Brusov, Tatiana Filatova* and Veniamin Kulik
    With this article, we open a new section in this journal: the application of mathematical methods in economics and finance. A few topics we would like to discuss to get started are corporate finance, investments, business valuation, taxation, and ratings. We describe shortly mathematical models in these areas. In the field of corporate finance, we discuss the foundations of two main theories of capital structure, the Modigliani-Miller and the modern theory of Brusov-Filatova-Orekhova (BFO theory). We compare them and describe the differences between them and their results. In the field of investments, we describe two modern investment models: (1) with debt repayment at the end of the project and (2) with uniform debt repayment and discuss their properties and applications. In business valuation, we discuss the problems that exist in this area and ways to solve them. In rating methodology, a new approach is devoted to the rating of non–financial issuers, as well as to long–term and arbitrary duration project rating. The key factors of a new approach are the adequate use of discounting of financial flows virtually not used in existing rating methodologies, and the incorporation of rating parameters (financial "ratios") into the modern theory of capital structure (Brusov–Filatova–Orekhova (BFO) theory). This article is devoted to the analysis of the theoretical mathematical methods and models based on first principles. The novelty of this consideration is due to the fact that we are considering and discussing recently developed mathematical models in economics and finance. ...
    Abstract View Full Article View DOI: 10.17352/amp.S1.000001
