Peertechz Journals

S.No. Journal Name ISSN Short Name
1Global Journal of Allergy 2455-8141Allergy
2Archives of Anatomy and Physiology 2640-7957AAP
3Annals of Circulation 2641-2985AC
4Advances in Toxicology and Toxic Effects 2692-4633ATTE
5Annals of Cytology and Pathology 2640-7809ACP
6Annals of Molecular and Genetic Medicine 2692-4595AMGM
7Journal of Novel Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation 2455-5487JNPPR
8Archives of Nursing Practice and Care 2581-4265ANPC
9Rheumatica Acta: Open Access 2640-799XRAOA
10Archives of Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy 2641-3108ASMP
11Global Journal of Anesthesiology 2455-3476GJA
12Imaging Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences 2455-8702IJCMS
13Archives of Clinical Gastroenterology 2455-2283ACG
14International Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2640-7582IJCEM
15Archives of Clinical Hypertension 2640-771XACH
16Archives of Clinical Nephrology 2581-3870ACN
17Journal of Clinical Research and Ophthalmology 2455-1414JCRO
18International Journal of Dermatology and Clinical Research 2455-8605IJDCR
19Journal of Gynecological Research and Obstetrics 2581-5288JGRO
20Archives of Hematology Case Reports and Reviews 2640-7914AHCRR
21Global Journal of Medical and Clinical Case Reports 2455-5282GJMCCR
22Global Journal of Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome 2455-8583GJODMS
23Open Journal of Pain Medicine 2640-8104OJPM
24Journal of Surgery and Surgical Research 2455-2968JSSR
25Open Journal of Trauma 2640-7949OJT
26Open Journal of Tropical Medicine 2640-8147OJTM
27International Journal of Vascular Surgery and Medicine 2455-5452IJVSM
28Global Journal of Clinical Virology 2692-4749GJCV
29Global Journal of Perioperative Medicine 2641-3124GJPM
30Journal of Addiction Medicine and Therapeutic Science 2455-3484JAMTS
31Annals of Alzheimer's and Dementia Care 2692-448XAADC
32Archives of Depression and Anxiety 2455-5460ADA
33Journal of Neurology, Neurological Science and Disorders 2641-2950JNNSD
34Open Journal of Parkinson's Disease and Treatment 2692-4617OJPDT
35Annals of Psychiatry and Treatment 2640-8031APT
36Annals of Bone Marrow Research 2692-4684ABMR
37Global Journal of Cancer Therapy 2581-5407GJCT
38Scientific Journal of Genetics and Gene Therapy 2640-7744SJGGT
39International Journal of Immunotherapy and Cancer Research 2455-8591IJICR
40International Journal of Radiology and Radiation Oncology 2640-7566IJRRO
41International Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology 2455-815XIJASFT
42International Journal of Aquaculture and Fishery Sciences 2455-8400IJAFS
43Global Journal of Ecology 2641-3094GJE
44Open Journal of Environmental Biology 2690-0777OJEB
45Annals of Environmental Science and Toxicology 2641-2969AEST
46Annals of Limnology and Oceanography 2641-3078ALO
47Open Journal of Plant Science 2640-7906OJPS
48International Journal of Veterinary Science and Research 2640-7604IJVSR
49Global Journal of Zoology 2640-7930GJZ
50Global Journal of Fertility and Research 2640-7884GJFR
51Studies on Stem Cells Research and Therapy 2641-3000SSCRT
52International Journal of Sexual and Reproductive Health Care 2690-0815IJSRHC
53Annals of Antivirals and Antiretrovirals 2692-4625AAA
54Archives of Community Medicine and Public Health 2455-5479ACMPH
55Archive of Gerontology and Geriatrics Research 2690-0807AGGR
56Journal of HIV for Clinical and Scientific Research 2455-3786JHCSR
57Global Journal of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Research 2455-5363GJIDCR
58Open Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health 2640-7612OJPCH
59Archives of Preventive Medicine 2640-7868APM
60Global Journal of Rare Diseases 2640-7876GJRD
61Journal of Vaccines and Immunology 2640-7590JVI
62Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Therapy 2641-3043JFSNT
63Open Journal of Hepatology 2994-4287OJH
64Open Journal of Asthma 2640-8082OJA
65Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology 2455-2976JCMC
66Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions 2394-8418JDPS
67Archives of Hepatitis Research 2641-2977AHR
68Annals of Musculoskeletal Medicine 2640-8139AMM
69International Journal of Oral and Craniofacial Science 2455-4634IJOCS
70Open Journal of Orthopedics and Rheumatology 2641-3116OJOR
71Archives of Otolaryngology and Rhinology 2455-1759AOR
72Annals of Pancreatic Disorders and Treatment 2692-4730APDT
73Archives of Pulmonology and Respiratory Care 2581-3684APRC
74Archives of Renal Diseases and Management 2455-5495ARDM
75Open Journal of Thyroid Research 2640-7981OJTR
76Archives of Organ Transplantation 2640-7973AOT
77Archive of Urological Research 2692-4706AUR
78International Journal of Spine Research 2692-4692IJSR
79Open Journal of Bacteriology 2640-8007OJB
80Open Journal of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics 2994-4163OJBB
81Open Journal of Biological Sciences 2640-7795OJBS
82Global Journal of Biotechnology and Biomaterial Science 2640-7817GJBBS
83Open Journal of Cell and Protein Science 2994-4171OJCPS
84Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Biochemical Technology 2581-527XJCMBT
85Forensic Science Today 2692-4722FST
86Annals of Marine Science 2640-2300AMS
87Open Journal of Proteomics and Genomics 2692-4641OJPG
88Annals of Systems Biology 2692-4765ASB
89Journal of Biology and Medicine 2688-8408JBM
90Open Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2689-7628OJABC
91Open Journal of Chemistry 2641-3051OJC
92International Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine 2455-3492IJNNN
93Archive of Biochemistry 2994-4295AB
94Archive of Biomedical Science and Engineering 2641-3027ABSE
95Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences 2455-488XJCEES
96Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology 2641-3086TCSIT
97Annals of Robotics and Automation 2994-418XARA
98Open Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 2692-4757OJPP
99International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Developmental Research 2640-7760IJPSDR
100Annals of Mathematics and Physics 2689-7636AMP
