Mohamed Abdullah Jaber

Oral Surgery
Ajman University
United Arab Emirate
Journal Associated: Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions Biography:

Prof Mohamed A. Jaber BDS, PhD, MSc, FDS RSC Ed., FDS RCD Eng., FDSRCPS Glasg, MFDTRCSE. Dr. Mohamed Abdullah Jaber was the professor and head of the Surgical Sciences Department at the Dental College of Ajman University of Science and Technology. He was also the Director of Quality Assurance and Institutional effectiveness Unit of Ajman University of Science and Technology. His clinical work includes management of patients with oral mucosal diseases, salivary gland diseases, TMJ diseases and trigeminal neuralgia. Management of patients with oral premalignant lesions and patients with oral epithelial dysplasia, chronic facial pain patient, and performing oral surgical procedures under local with or without sedation (IV) and general anaesthesia. Dr. Jaber has many publications in peer-reviewed journals. And act as peer reviewers for many journals which includes Journal of Cancer Detection and Prevention, Journal of Applied Oral Science, Journal of Investigative Pathology, Ibnosina Journal of Medical Basic Science, Cancer Epidemiology, Indian Journal of Dental Research, Oral Oncology, Medical Journal of Case Report, International Journal of Oral Sciences, Saudi Dental Journal, BioMed Central Journal, Hospital Psychology Journal, Int Journal of Paediatric Dent, European Journal of General Dentistry, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Journal of Cranio-Maxillary Diseases, Applied Scientific Reports and Annual Research Review in Biology (ARRB). He serve as academic editor of Applied Life Science International Journal and Associate Editor/Editorial Board member of Austin Journal of Autism & Related Disabilities, Open Journal of Stomatology, Applied Scientific Reports, J of Dental Problems & Solutions, Aperito Journal of Oral Health & Dentistry, International journal of Oral and Dental Health and International Journal of Experimental Dental Science His research interest includes Oral epithelial dysplasia, Oral pre-cancer, facial trauma Facial pain and dental education. Dr. Jaber also received numerous awards including Al-Awais Award for Scientific Research and selected as Fellow by the Academy of Dentistry International Ohio, USA. This is in recognition for the outstanding achievement in the field of dentistry and for the services to the profession. Currently Prof Jaber is the director of the oral surgery graduate program at Hamdan Bin Mohammed College of Dental Medicine, MBR University for Medicine and Health Sciences.

Research interest: Oral Precancer, Oral Epithelial Dysplasia, Facial Pain,Facial trauma, Dental Education
