Li Mei

Department of Oral Sciences
University of Otag
New Zealand
Journal Associated: Imaging Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences Biography:

Research Interest: Dr Mei's research expertise is in biofilms and biomaterials. His recent research activities are mainly focused on the mechanism and prevention of bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation on dental materials.

He has measured the adhesion forces between living bacteria and orthodontic materials using atomic force microscopy at a nano-level, and decoupled the bacterial adhesion forces into specific and non-specific forces. In addition, he has investigated measures for preventing biofilm formation using quaternary ammonium compounds. He developed a novel contact-killing surface by incorporating quaternary ammonium compounds into composite resin and studied its efficacy of killing the adhered bacteria and its bio-safety for human cells.

His other interests include randomized controlled trials (RCT) and evidence-based dentistry. He has investigated clinical methods for enhancing oral hygiene in patients wearing fixed orthodontic appliances.
