General Biology, Laboratory of Reproduction and Comparative Development
Catholic University of Lyon
Journal Associated: Annals of Cytology and Pathology Biography:

Dr Jean-Marie Exbrayat is Professor at both Lyon Catholic University (UCLy, France) and Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE, France), and Deputy Head of Research of UCLy. He obtained a PhD in 1977 at the University of Montpellier (France) and a D. Sci. in 1986 at Paris 6 University. Being the head of a research unit, his own researches focus on the reproductive biology of bony fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, especially rodents, and some invertebrates, related to environmental conditions (pollution and effects of molecules such as nanoparticles or endocrine disruptors), the embryonic development of rare animals, and animal such as biological or medical models. Among the methods used, the histology has been adapted to the study of materials that have been preserved for a long time. Prof Exbrayat was leading a specialized course in histology. He teaches animal biology, histology, embryology, system biology, history and philosophy of science. He supervised or co-supervised numerous doctoral and master's degrees. He is the author or editor of 18 books and numerous publications and communications in animal biology, histology as well as interdisciplinary work about the history of science and philosophy. He reviews articles to be published in international journals; he is a member of several editorial boards, scientific societies and international institute, and president of the Interdisciplinary Institute of Epistemological Studies (IIEE, France).

Research Interest: Reproduction, male and female genital tracts, endocrine organs, bony fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, invertebrates, external conditions, pollution, embryonic development, histology, immunohistochemistry, history and philosophy of life sciences.

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Publications:1. Memories and Thesis (1 to 3).

(1) BOURGUET, J.-P., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 1975. Introduction à l'étude de quelques aspects de la maturation en élevage chez Penaeus japonicus (Bate). D.E.A. Biol. anim., Univ. Sci. techn. Languedoc, Montpellier,


(2) BOURGUET, J.-P., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 1977. Sur quelques aspects de la croissance, du développement

sexuel et du métabolisme chez Penaeus japonicus (Bate, 1881). Influence des facteurs externes et

internes. Doct Biol. an., Univ. Sci. tech. Languedoc, Montpellier, 1 fasc. 128 p. - 1 fasc. Pl. et Tab.

(3) EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 1986. Quelques aspects de la biologie de la reproduction chez Typhlonectes

compressicaudus (Duméril et Bibron, 1841). Doct. Etat ès Sci., Paris VI : 308 p.

2. Books (4 to 19)

(4) DEVILLERS, J. EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 1992. Ecotoxicity of chemicals to Amphibians. HANDBOOKS

OF ECOTOXICOLOGICAL DATA. J. DEVILLERS Edt. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 351 pp.

(5) EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 1993. Quelques aspects de la reproduction chez Typhlonectes compressicaudus

(Duméril et Bibron, 1841), Amphibien Gymnophione. Cah. Inst. cathol. Lyon, Série Sciences, 7 : 263

p., 15 pl. H.T.


L'origine des espèces aujourd'hui. L'espèce existe-t-elle? L'impasse ponctualiste, Boubée, A.A.A.

(Edts), 363 pp.

(7) EXBRAYAT, J.- M., FLATIN, J. (sous la direction de), 1997. L'évolution biologique : science, histoire ou

philosophie ? I.I.E.E., Vrin Ed.

(8) EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2000. Les Gymnophiones, ces curieux Amphibiens, Ed. Boubée, Paris. 443 p.

(9) EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2000. Méthodes classiques de visualisation du génome en microscopie photonique Ed.

Tec et Doc, EMI, Londres Paris, New York, 180 p.

(10) EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2001. Genome visualization by classic methods in light microscopy. CRC Press Ed.,

Boca Raton London, New York, Washington, 195 p.

(11) DELSOL, M., EXBRAYAT, J.-M. (sous la direction de), 2002. L’évolution biologique, faits, théories,

épistémologie, philosophie, Tome 1, I.I.E.E., Lyon et Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, Paris, 371 p

(12) DELSOL, M., EXBRAYAT, J.-M. (sous la direction de), 2002. L’évolution biologique, faits, théories,

épistémologie, philosophie, Tome 2, I.I.E.E., Lyon et Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, Paris,.390 p.

(13) EXBRAYAT, J.-M. MOREAU, P. (sous la direction de), 2004. L’Homme méditerranéen et son

environnement. Société Linnéenne de Lyon et UCL Ed., 128 pp.

(14) EXBRAYAT J-M. (Editor), 2006. Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Gymnophiona. Science

Publishers Inc., Enfield, NH, USA, 395 pp.

(15) EXBRAYAT, J.-M., GABELLIERI, E. (sous la direction de), 2006. Nature et création, entre science et

théologie. IIEE, Lyon, Vrin, Paris.

(16) EXBRAYAT, J.-M., d’HOMBRES, E., REVOL, F. (sous la direction de), 2011. Evolution et Création :

entre science et métaphysique. IIEE, Lyon, Vrin, Paris.

(17) EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2013. (Ed.) Histochemical and cytochemical methods of visualization . CRC Press Ed.,

Boca Raton London, New York, Washington, USA.

(18) EXBRAYAT, J.-M., 2018. Quelques aspects de l’histoire des sciences du vivant : un cours d’histoire de la

biologie. IIEE, Lyon, Vrin, Paris.9

(19) GHOUL, A., EXBRAYAT, J.-M., BENAZZOUG, Y., 2019. Hyperhomocystéinémie-système reproducteur

mâle. Editions Universitaires Européennes, Riga, Lettonia.
