Dr. Restivo was born in Catania on 1969. He graduated from the University of Catania in 1994 He completed his residence in Neurology at the University of Catania in 1999 and his residence in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the same university in 2007. He received a PhD in "Applied Biomedical Sciences" at the Institute of Human Physiology, University of Catania in 2002. He is Consultant Neurologist at the Neurologic Unit of the "Garibaldi" Hospital of Catania, where in addition to clinical work is also chief of the laboratory of clinical neurophysiology. His main scientific interests are: neurogenic dysphagia, neuropathic pain, and peripheral neuropathies. Dr. Restivo has participated in important international clinical trials on diabetic neuropathic pain, and he has received grants as principal investigator for research projects on neurogenic dysphagia by the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation (FISM). He has participated as an author / co-author of a major book series. He is author/coauthor of about 100 scientific publications in journals of national and international importance. He partecipated as speaker to a number of international neurological meetings and is reviewer of numerous prestigious international scientific journals.
Research Interest: Dysphagia, Neuropathicpain, Botulinumtoxin Treatment, Peripheralneuropathy, Electromyography, Pharyngealelectricalstimulation, Transcranialdirectcurrentstimulation (Tdcs).
List of Publications:
1. Utilizzo della indagine TC in pazienti HIV+ ad alto rischio.Valutazione retrospettiva
Clinico-neuroradiologica. Neuroradiologia 1994.
2. Su un caso di miasi a localizzazione mascellare.Neuroradiologia 1994.
3. Studio della spondilite brucellare alla TC.Correlazioni anatomo-cliniche. Neuroradiologia 1994.
4. Infezione da H.I.V. ed IgE. Acta Med.di Patol. Infett. e Tropic.,1994.
5. Su un caso di Sindrome da iper-IgE in A:I.D.S. Acta Med. di Patol. Infett. e Tropic.,1994.
6. Screening per anti-H.I.V. in alcune Case Circondariali della Sicilia Orientale. Acta Med. di Patol. Infett. e Tropic., 1994.
7. Atassia cerebellare ad esordio tardivo: aspetti clinici e neuroradiologici. Acta Med.Mediterr.,1995, 12, 5-8.
8. Accidenti cerebrovascolari ischemici e contraccettivi orali. Atti 1° Congr.Naz.Soc.Neurosicienze ostetrico-ginecologiche, Pisa 1996.
9. Disartria isolata, paralisi isolata del faciale e loro combinazione: studio clinico-neuroradiologico.Nuova Rivista Neurol.,1997, 1, 28-30.
10. Distonia parossistica associata ad ernia del disco cervicale: caso clinico. Acta Med.Mediterr.,1997, 13, 53-55.
11. Diagnosis and management of spinal epidural abscess. Mediterranean Journ.Infect.Paras.Dis.,1997, 12, 36-38.
12. Isolated Periphereal Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy Associated with Arterial Hypertension Caused by Neurovascular Compression. Riv.Neurorad., 1997.
13. Molecular diagnosis of spinocerebellar ataxias.Soc.It.Biochim. Riunione Sez.Reg.Sicilia, Catania 1997.
14. Combined Myelopathy and Polyradiculoneuropathy in one case of Borrelia burgdorferi infection (Lyme disease). XXX Nat.Congr.It.Neurolog.Soc.,Palermo 1997.
15. SCA2 is the most frequent cause of Automal Dominant Cerebellar Ataxia in Southern Italy. XXX Nat.Congr.It.Neurolog.Soc.,Palermo 1997.
16. Ipertensione arteriosa e compressione vascolare sul bulbo.Riv.Neurobiologia,1998.
17. Reversible Palsy of the Hypoglossal Nerve Complicatine Infectious Mononucleosis in a Young Child. Neuropediatrics,1998.
18. Atassia spinocerebellare tipo 2 (SCA2): studio clinico-genetico su 10 famiglie siciliane. Riun.Reg.Sicil. Soc.It.Neurol.e Soc.Neurol.Neuroch.Neurorad.Osped., 1998.
19. Descrizione di un caso di Creutzfeldt-Jakob ad insolito esordio. Riun.Reg.Sicil. Soc.It.Neurol. e Soc. Neurol.Neuroch.Neurorad.Osped.,1998.
20. Trombosi delle vene cerebrali: valutazione con angio-RM. Stroke ’98, Firenze 1998.
21. Ictus cerebrale ischemico e manipolazioni cervicali. Stroke ’98, Firenze 1998.
22. Accidente cerebrovascular despues de manipulacion cervical. Arch.Hosp.Vargas,1998.
23. SCA2 in the Commonest Autosomal Dominant Cerebellar Ataxia in Southern Italy: A Clinical and molecular study in 30 Families. Neurology, 1998, 50: 4, S03.117.
24. Noradrenergic control on brainstem circuits in humans. Eur. J. Physiology, 1999; 438,2, R20.
25. Clinical and molecular analysis of 11 Sicilian SCA2 families: influence of gender on age at onset. Eur J.Neurol, 1999, 6, 301-307.
26. Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 in southern Italy: a clinical and molecular study of 30 families. J:Neurol.,1999, 246, 467-471.
27. Supratentorial atrophy in spinocerebellar ataxia type 2: MRI study of 20 patients. J.Neurol.,1999, 246, 383-388.
28. SCA2 mutation in sporadic cerebellar ataxia. XXXI Nat.Congr.It.Neurol.Soc., Verona 1999.
29. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in spinocerebellar ataxia type 2, idiopathic cerebellar ataxia,and multisystem atrophy. XXXI Nat.Congr.It.Naurol.Soc.,Verona 1999.
30. Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 in middle-eastern Sicily. XXXI Nat.Congr.It.Neurol.Soc.,Verona 1999.
31. Treatment with botulinum toxin type A for Frey’s syndrome. XXXI Nat.Congr.It.Neurol.Soc., Verona 1999.
32. Studio RM nell’atassia spinocerebellare tipo 2 (SCA2). Riun.Reg:Siciliana SIN & SNO, Catania 1999.
33. Atassia spino-cerebellare tipo 2 (SCA2) nella Sicilia centro-orientale: aspetti clinici, molecolari e neuroradiologici. 39° Congr.Naz. S.N.O., Roma 1999.
34. Sindrome di Parry-Romberg.Aspetti neuropsicologici e neuroradiologici. 39° Congr.Naz. S.N.O., Roma 1999.
35. Tremore essenziale ereditario.Studio clinico-genetico su due famiglie. 39° Congr.Naz. S.N.O., Roma 1999.
36. Identification of SCA2 mutation in cases of spinocerebellar ataxia with no family history in mid-eastern Sicily. Ital.J.Neurol.Sci.,1999, 20, 217-221.
37. Studio delle risposte evocate motorie sulla lingua dopo stimolazione magnetica transuranica nella Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica. Congr.Naz.Soc.Ital.Neurofisiol.Clin., Portoferraio 1999.
38. Malattia del motoneurone associata a depositi centromidollari di emosiderina. Congr.Naz.Soc.Ital.Neurofisiol.Clin., Portoferraio 1999.
39. La terapia medica e la miotonia chimica delle disfagie. Relaz.a Tav.Rot.su “Le disfagie”. VIII Congr.Naz.Riabilitazione Neurologica, Catania 1999.
40. Central motor conduction to lower limb after transcranial magnetic stimulation in spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2). Clin Neurophysiol 111 (2000) 630-635.
41. Molecular analysis in patients with idiopathic late onset cerebellar ataxia. VIII Conv. Naz. S. I. Ne. G. 1998, in pubbl su Functional Neurology (si allega lettera di accettazione).
42. Evidence of central motor conduction involvement in “pure” congenital muscular dystrophy. Neurol Sci, 4, 21, S130-S131, 2000.
43. Alterations of excitatory and inhibitory out-puts in stuttering: a study with transcranial magnetic stimulation. Neurol. Sci, 4, 21, S153-S154, 2000.
44. Myasthenia gravis associated with cancer. Neurol Sci, 4, 21, S169, 2000.
45. Isolated, unilateral, reversible palsy of the hypoglossal nerve. Eur. J. Neurol. 2000, 7: 347-349.
46. Deafness: an unusual onset of genetic Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. Neurol Sci (2000) 21: 53-55.
47. Als and myasthenia: an unusual association in a patient treated with Riluzole. Muscle & Nerve., 294-295; Febbr. 2000.
48. Sindrome di Parry-Romberg. Aspetti neuropsicologici e neuroradiologici. Riv. Neurobiologia, 46, (3), 171-176, 2000.
49. Tremore essenziale ereditario: studio clinico genetico su due famiglie. Riv. Neurobiologia, 46, (3), 167-170, 2000.
50. Involvement of the noradrenergic system in modulatine the blink reflex in humans. Brain Res 867 (2000) 210-216.
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